These little monitors flooded the hobby from the early 2000s until just a few years back. The imports then suddently dropped off and they became difficult to acquire as not many were interested in keeping them when the imports were common. We've been producing this species since 2015 and have multiple bloodlines that we're working with. Not all the imports had blue spots and those that did often faded within 18 months or so. Only a fwe of our adults retained the blue coloration.
Captive Bred Blue Spot Timor Monitors (Varanus auffenbergi ID: 24AJ3)
- Individual ID: 24AJ3
- Hatched: 17 April 2024
- Sex: Suspected Male (HTI) - Sex not guaranteed.
- Sire: 19GL1M - WC male acquired as LTC in 2019
- Dam: 21FD6F - CBB produced at GBSerpentarium
Every animal we offer is captive bred. You won't need to worry about parasite loads, dehydrated/stressed imports, or a variety of other problems that can come with wild caught animals. Captive breeding projects allow us to offer healthy animals in an ethical and sustainable way.
We ensure our new hatchlings/babies are eating regularly, pooping regularly, and behaving like a little baby animal should before sending them to a new home. When you purchase from us, you will get a healthy, thriving, captive bred animal.